Quest 52: How Do You Stay In Control In A Crisis? - Decem...

Quest 52: How Do You Stay In Control In A Crisis? - December 26 Quest 52: How Do You Stay In Control In A Crisis? - December 26
11 meses 3 Puntos de vista

Join the Christian Education Ministry each morning Tuesday - Friday at 7:00AM on a Quest for 52 weeks as we highlight the key moments from Jesus’ life, revealing His identity, His expectations, His priorities, and His ultimate purpose. Each week features a handpicked gospel reading from the life of Jesus, plus an Old Testament passage foreshadowing His coming, a New Testament story revealing His impact, and practical ways to put what you’ve learned into practice. This quest will enhance your understanding of Jesus and will forever change how you make choices, engage with others, interpret today’s big issues, and even view yourself!

This week’s topic is “How Do You Stay In Control In A Crisis?".